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Property - Equalization Definitions

Equalization is the process by which the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration makes adjustments to each municipality's locally assessed values to calculate the estimated 100% value of the municipality.

  • Assessment Report (2000, 2001, 2002) – A cumulative report of each municipality's exemptions and credits, parcel counts, revaluation and sales information, land use change tax and tax map information.
  • Assessment Report (2004) – A cumulative report of exemptions and credits listed by municipality.
  • Assessment Report (2005) – A cumulative report of exemptions and credits and parcel counts listed in municipal and county order.
  • Assessment Report (2006) – A cumulative report of exemptions and credits listed in municipal and county order.
  • Blind Exemption Report – Reports the amount a municipality grants per blind exemption, the number of taxpayers receiving the exemption and the total amount of taxes lost.
  • Coefficient Of Dispersion (C.O.D.) – Lists the C.O.D. for each municipality in the state in alphabetical and ranking order. The coefficient of dispersion is the average percentage deviation from the median ratio.
  • Comparison Of Full Value Tax Rates – This reports the actual and equalized tax rates (also known as full value tax rates.) The full value tax rate is an estimate of what a tax rate would be if a municipality's assessed valuations were at 100%.
  • Current Use Report – Reports in detail the number of acres and total values for Current Use, Conservation Restriction, Preservation Easements and Discretionary Preservation Easements as well as Land Use Change Tax received as reported on the MS-1 by each municipality.
  • Disabled Exemption Report – Reports the amount a municipality grants per disabled exemption, income and asset limits, the number of taxpayers receiving the exemption and the total amount of taxes lost.
  • Elderly Exemption Report – Reports the amount a municipality grants per elderly exemption, income and asset limits, the number of taxpayers receiving the exemption and the total amount of taxes lost.
  • Equalization Manual – Provides municipalities with definitions, rules and standard operation procedures for the equalization process, ratio setting process and determining market value.  The manual also includes codes sheets and forms with instructions to complete them.
  • Equalization Ratio – Lists the ratio used for equalization purposes for each municipality in the state.  Typically, this is the weighted mean ratio.
  • Equalization Survey – Reports the total equalized value of a municipality (including and not including utility and railroad values) and the percent of state and county taxes.
  • Median Ratio – Lists the median ratio for each municipality in the state in alphabetical and ranking order. The median ratio is the middle ratio when a set of ratios is ranked in order of magnitude. The median is the generally preferred measure of central tendency for assessment equity, monitoring appraisal performance, and determining reappraisal priorities or evaluating the need for a reappraisal.
  • Price Related Differential (P.R.D.) – Lists the P.R.D. for each municipality in the state in alphabetical and ranking order. The price related differential measures vertical inequities (differences in the appraisal for low-value and high-value properties.) P.R.D.'s > 1.03 tends to indicate assessment regressivity (lower-value properties assessed at higher ratios than higher-value properties.) P.R.D.'s <.98 tends to indicate assessment progressivity (lower-value properties assessed at lower ratios than higher-value properties.)
  • Tables By County – A summary of locally assessed values reported on the MS-1, gross and net taxes, actual tax rates, local optional exemptions and educational and special exemptions listed in municipal and county order.
  • Veteran's Tax Credit Report – Reports the tax credit amount each municipality offers veterans and the total credit amount granted.

New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration
Governor Hugh Gallen State Office Park
109 Pleasant Street (Medical & Surgical Building), Concord NH
(603) 230-5000  |  
TDD Access Relay NH: 1-800-735-2964  |  
fax: (603) 230-5945
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