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Municipal - Historical Data > 2012-2014

This data is as reported by the municipality to New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration and was used for tax rate setting purposes. Appropriation and budgeted revenue amounts were as voted by the municipality and adjusted by New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration pursuant to RSA 21-J:35.

Financial statements (actual expenditure and revenue data and balance sheet) amounts are from the MS-5, MS-35, or MS-45 form as filed with the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration. The data has not been verified by the department.

For further information on school amounts see the Department of Education's website.


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New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration
Governor Hugh Gallen State Office Park
109 Pleasant Street (Medical & Surgical Building), Concord NH
(603) 230-5000  |  
TDD Access Relay NH: 1-800-735-2964  |  
fax: (603) 230-5945
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