Timber Tax

The Property Bureau is responsible for administration and enforcement of RSA 79, Forest Conservation and Taxation. Timber appraisers monitor timber cutting operations to ensure compliance with laws and rules and provide education and training to municipalities.

Timber Tax Year is April 1 to March 31

​​persons hand writing on a formAll required forms can be found by selecting the below link then choosing the Timber and Gravel Tax topic.

 find all timber tax forms 

hand hovering over tablet with questions marks floatingWe strive to answer all your questions regarding the Timber tax. You can select the below link or call our Call Center at (603) 230-5920.

 view the timber faqs 

gavel next to books on tableThe Timber laws and rules can be found under RSA 79 Forest Conservation and Taxation and Rev 3400 Taxation of Wood or Timber Cut 


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The following documents are available to assist in reporting and completing timber tax forms and worksheets. 


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Effective July 1, 2024, the exemptions for filing an Intent to Cut or being subject to timber tax were revised. Please see the Timber Tax Law Synopsis under General Information for changes. ​​​​​

Form PA-8, Report of Wood or Timber Cut, is not available on-line. This document is provided by the Department, with a PA-6 Timber Certificate, when an approved PA-7 Notice of Intent to Cut Wood or Timber is received from a municipality. Duplicates may be requested by contacting the Department at (603) 230-5950 or by sending an e-mail to timber@dra.nh.gov.