Important Updates
Readoption of Rev 1900 Municipal Matters Rules
Rev 1900 is being readopted in its entirety, with amendments, to comply with the provisions of RSA 541-A, as most of the rule provisions are scheduled to expire on May 2, 2024, but are subject to extension pursuant to RSA 541-A:14-a. Chapter Rev 1900 sets forth the Department’s rules for Municipal Matters involving town treasurers, tax collectors, and utility property taxes. The summary of the amendments proposed is provided in the Rulemaking Notice Form submitted to the Office of Legislative Services, linked below. A copy of the Initial Proposal submitted to the Office of Legislative Services is available by following the link below.
Please take notice that the Department will hold a public hearing on Friday, February 2, 2024, at 2pm at 109 Pleasant Street, 2nd Floor, Training Room, Concord, NH on this rule readoption. The security procedures at the Department of Revenue Administration require all visitors to sign in and present photo identification. If you plan on attending the public hearing, please bring photo identification with you.